To Create Intelligent Green Energy for Human Civilization


Shaangu ranked 84th in “Top 500 Chinese Machinery Enterprises 2021”

Recently, the China Machinery Industry Enterprise Management Association and the Machinery Industry Information Research Institute co-hosted the launch of report of “Top 500 Chinese Machinery Enterprises 2021 (the 19th)” in Beijing. Shaangu ranked 84th in “Top 500 Chinese Machinery Enterprises 2021”.

“Top 500 Chinese Machinery Enterprises ” is a research report and publication activity organized by the China Machinery Industry Enterprise Management Association. It was first published in 2003 and has been published for 19 consecutive times so far, and has become an influential research report in the industry.
Rank of Shaangu in “Top 500 Chinese Machinery Enterprises ” fully reflects the recognition of Shaangu’s Intelligent Green Distributed Energy System Solutions and Services by industry users since Shaangu’s strategic focusing on the distributed energy sector, which means the high recognition of Shaangu’s achievements in supporting in regional high-quality economic development , and means the continuous expansion of Shaangu’s market influence. This honor means higher requirements for Shaangu and an incentive and spur for Shaangu to go beyond.