To Create Intelligent Green Energy for Human Civilization


“Landing” Russia Once Again, Shaangu Adding Momentum to the Green and High-quality Development of Users!

Recently, Shaangu signed a contract with a well-known European metallurgical engineering company for the supply of top gas energy recovery turbine. Shaangu will, provide large-scale green power equipment and system solutions and services to a large Russian steel group, supporting users in low-carbon and energy-saving development.

Faced with the unique process and the resulting complex gas conditions in the Russian metallurgical industry, with superior blade coating, optimized blade profile and material and other technical means, Shaangu technical team has designed a highly efficient TRT that was perfectly adapted to the customer’s working condition and parameters . This is the first TRT in the Russian metallurgical industry matched with dry dust removal technology, resulting in a reduction in water consumption and a significant increase in power generation for the entire blast furnace system.
Once the project is completed, users will be able to reduce 6,600 tons of harmful emissions per year and 1,123 tons of CO2 emissions per year, which is of positive significance for Russia’s economic development, energy saving and environmental protection.