To Create Intelligent Green Energy for Human Civilization


Put into Operation! 2000 Kilometers Away

Recently, good news came from the user site in Vietnam: multiple sets of large power equipment supplied by Shaangu to a steel enterprise in Vietnam have successfully completed the first test run, and been fully put into production with stable operation!

The user, as the largest manufacturing enterprise in Vietnam, has a large-scale modernized green iron and steel base which is a benchmark model of the “Belt and Road”. Shaangu has supplied EISS4.0 for this user. Since the project was launched, Shaangu technical service team has rushed to Vietnam and taken root on-site for commissioning.

The project adopts a world-class overall planning and design, promoting the design of ten-million-ton-level steel systems and the output of the entire industry chain, driving the export of Chinese technology, Chinese solutions and Chinese equipment as a whole set, and achieving full coverage of high, medium and low end of steel varieties. The project fully operation is of great significance to promoting the economic development of Vietnam.