To Create Intelligent Green Energy for Human Civilization


Focusing on the “Belt & Road” Initiative, Shaangu continues to create value for users in the Middle East!

Lately, news came from user’s site in the Middle East that multiple sets of large-scale power equipment provided by Shaangu for some new project have been installed and commissioned, and are rapidly advancing towards the full running-test & put-into-operation of the project.

Since implementing this project, Shaangu has attached great importance and implemented strict management systems in all aspects of the project.

The workload is heavy, and user is eager to start production. Shaangu project-team never slacks off, often lying on site for a nap when tired, then getting up and continuing to work. They often work overtime until late at night. At the same time, they use all means such as telephone and internet to communicate remotely with domestic technical experts from Shaangu, provide service consultation for user, jointly discuss and solve problems, and strive to meet user’s needs. They bear the heavy responsibility with their superb professional skills and confidence in achieving the mission, striving on the front line overseas, and have received high praise and recognition from user.