To Create Intelligent Green Energy for Human Civilization


An Order for the World’s First 300MW Compressed Air Energy Storage Power Station Demonstration Project Awarded to Shaangu

During the Fifth China International Import Expo, Xi’an Shaangu Power together with China Energy Engineering Group(ENERGY CHINA) and other partners, signed an order contract of air compressor train and its supporting & auxiliary equipment for the “Hubei Yingcheng 300MW Compressed Air Energy Storage(CAES) Power Plant Demonstration Project”, jointly promoting the high-quality development of new energy and infrastructure industry with the world’s leading equipment and system solutions.

With worldwide first, full-green, non-supplementary combustion, and high-efficiency 300MW CAES technology, Hubei Yingcheng 300MW CAES power plant project, as the worldwide first 300MW non-supplementary combustion CAES demonstration project, is currently the only large-scale and long-term physical energy storage technology comparable with Pumped-hydro Storage (PHS) technology, which is likened to the “Stabilizer” and “Super Power-bank” for the new electric power system. When the project is completed, the annual power generation is expected to reach 500 million kWh. In the field of non-supplementary combustion CAES, It will be the world’s first in the field of non-combustion compressed air energy storage in terms of single-unit power, energy storage scale and conversion efficiency. It will play a demonstration role for the healthy development of energy storage industry.

Shaangu Air Compression System Solution for super large non-supplementary combustion CAES power plant has successful experiences and technological advantages. Pioneering a new route for high-capacity CAES that is green, zero-carbon, highly efficient, economic and flexibly-applied. Shaangu has participated in the development of advanced adiabatic CAES technology with a comprehensive efficiency of over 70%. Therefore, Shaangu Solutions lay a solid foundation for the commercial application of large-scale CAES.